Mysterious Castle 1.61

I've been working on Mysterious Castle (very) sporadically for 15 years! So why not bring it to itch?

Mysterious Castle is an isometric tactics-roguelike that I set out to make in 2009. At the time I was really interested in making a true phone oriented game with deep tactics that you can control with one thumb. After working on a classic party-based tactics game I got really fed up with testing my levels, and I went down the rabbit-hole of procedural content generation to satisfy my desire for novelty. 

Along the way I discovered an incredible sense of adventure as I frequently found myself being pleasantly surprised, by algorithms that I coded, and should not have had any surprises in store for me, the god of this world. So I found myself hooked in a virtuous cycle of alternating between being sucked into the gameplay, and inspired to improve the procedural generation.

Well, I won't claim that it's anything technically special, but somehow I ended up in a really cozy and fun to explore dark forest. It's an open world, but not too open. You can wander around and find hidden groves, deviously dark cave passages, dungeons that feel lived-in, or bubbling streams running through peaceful woods.

Along the way you'll find tactical combat encounters that push you to your edge. Sometimes you come up on what seems like an impossible battle, reload a dozen times, and then find that perfect combination of positioning, tactics, and magical spells to bring down a party of demons, or an ancient vampire, or a huge band of dark elves. It's so satisfying!

Anyways, I've always made this game primarily for myself, so it's filled with my idiosyncrasies and silly dreams. I think it's worth sharing with those who want to return to a simple, cozy world of epic fantasy, filled with treasure and challenge, designed for fun and the childlike joy of exploring and uncovering secrets.

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45 days ago

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